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Everything posted by jamesW

  1. Connected resistors, as per your comment. Outputs now look fine. Thank you
  2. Are you referring to UG471? If so, I looked through the sections pertaining to TMDS_33. Just going back through it, the most pertinent section appears to be on P95: TMDS inputs require a 50ohm pull-up and no diff term resistor Bank voltage is 3V3 and TMDS is available on HR banks TMDS_33 IOSTANDARD supports OBUFDS The first point, above, isn't relevant as I'm configuring outputs. The second and third points are satisfied by the design. There are termination diagrams in the appendices, are you referring to these? Something which also crossed my mind when I first looked at this, but I don't think this is relevant for outputs? e.g. If you look at the clocking resources guide, it explicitly mentions clock inputs should be routed via clock capable pins. It's a bit vague, as it mentions 'clock capable I/O' in some places, but I think that clocks exported from the FPGA should be brought out via an ODDR + (OBUF or OBUFDS) and do not need to be connected to clock capable pins.
  3. Hi, I am experimenting with differential outputs on the Arty A7. For this, I am using the 100MHz clock and have instantiated an OBUFDS -- SYS_CLK_OBUFDS : OBUFDS generic map( IOSTANDARD => "TMDS_33" ) port map( I => CLK100MHZ, O => sys_clk_out_p, OB => sys_clk_out_n ); The .xdc file has the following -- ## Pmod Header JB set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN E15 IOSTANDARD TMDS_33 } [get_ports { sys_clk_out_p }]; #IO_L11P_T1_SRCC_15 Sch=jb_p[1] set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN E16 IOSTANDARD TMDS_33 } [get_ports { sys_clk_out_n }]; #IO_L11N_T1_SRCC_15 Sch=jb_n[1] Synthesis & implementation are fine and I can generate a bitstream, but I see no output on these pins (just 0v). FYI, if I use a single-ended output (via OBUF) as shown below, it works fine -- SYS_CLK_OBUF : OBUF generic map( IOSTANDARD => "LVCMOS33" ) port map( I => CLK100MHZ, O => sys_clk_out ); With the .xdc file constraint -- ## Pmod Header JD set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN D4 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { sys_clk_out }]; #IO_L11N_T1_SRCC_35 Sch=jd[1] Any idea what I am missing? Thanks.
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